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Google Has a Classroom?


As we’re starting our new school year, schools are turning to online programs, where teachers can post assignments, upload instructional videos, and give students access to many more materials. What does this mean for us? This means that we have to learn how to use these programs and use them to our benefit. Although there are many programs, Google Classroom is among one of the easiest to use.

Google Classroom can be found on the internet, and once you are on the website, it has a reasonably simple login process. You need to go type in Google Classroom in the search bar and click the link. It should bring up a sign-up button. You will be able to connect with a class code your teacher should provide and with your school email. After you put in your information, it should take you into a class or show you an icon with your teacher’s name. Voila, you’re in!

Once you have successfully logged in, you should see a white homepage. In the top left corner, there should be three lines. When you click on the lines, a sidebar shows up with functions like classes, taking you to the icon calendar that opens a calendar with assignment deadlines. A to-do list that also has assignments. It also has your class name and some other things. Back to the homepage, you get sent to stream where you can see announcements and assignments. Then if you click on classwork, it has groups of work. The next tab is people where you can see your classmates and teachers. Those are the functions and assignment basics.

Now that you know the basics let’s start this paragraph off with links. Links are a URL that your teacher can post and assign to you and your class as enrichment or classwork. Or a material that you can access very quickly, easily, and efficiently by clicking on the bubble with a JPEG/site. Add-ons are so amazing and so easy to use! They look almost exactly like an assignment, but don’t be fooled; they are so different. You click on what looks like an assignment, and it takes you to Docs or Sheets, which saves you time.

That sums up pretty much all you need to know about the wondrous Google Classroom!

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